Choice Program

Dual Language

SBISD offers a Dual Language program at The Tiger Trail School for Early Learning starting in Pre-K 4. Families interested in this option for pre-K can visit Choice Program web page for more information. This program will feed into the Pine Shadow Elementary Dual Language Program.


The 2024-2025 Choice lottery application is run through Spring Branch ISD Choice Lottery.

Application Dates

  • Dec. 15, 2023 @ 9:00 AM - Application Opens
  • Feb. 2, 2024 @ 11:59 PM - Application Closes
  • Feb. 9, 2024 @ 10:00 AM - Run Lottery
  • Feb. 16, 2024 @ 4:00 PM - Lottery Results Emailed
  • Feb. 23, 2024 - Parents Accept or Decline Invitation Deadline
  • May 6, 2024 @ 9:00 AM - Late Application Window Opens
  • July 19, 2024 @ 11:59 PM - Late Application Window Closes

Parent Meetings

Jan. 9, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wayne F. Schaper, Sr. Leadership Center - Board Room
955 Campbell Road, Houston, TX 77024

Jan. 17, 2024 @ 10:30 a.m. or 3:00 p.m.
10406 Tiger Trail, Houston TX 77043 Room 18

Goals & Program Model

The classes are composed of PK4 students: half are native Spanish-speakers and half are native English-speakers.  The native language and culture of each student is valued and treated equitably. Instruction in both Spanish and English incorporates the required academic standards established by the state of Texas enabling students to become biliterate and proficient in both languages.

Program Goals Program Model

The Dual Language students at Tiger Trail will:

  • Perform at or above grade-level-appropriate levels of achievement in all domains of academic skills and knowledge.

  • Develop high levels of proficiency in a second language while making normal progress in their first language.

  • Acquire an understanding and appreciation of cross-cultural differences.

  • Develop positive self-esteem.

Instructional time in the Dual Language class is divided between English and Spanish.

  • Two teachers provide the instruction. One teaches in English during English instruction and the other teaches in Spanish during the Spanish instruction.

  • Teachers follow the SBISD Prekindergarten curriculum aligned to the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. Our curriculum is delivered through a workshop model that supports literacy and language, math, and science or social studies through the project approach.

We invite you to visit the Dual Language classes and discuss the program with the principal or faculty.  To arrange a visit, please call Tiger Trail, 713-251-8100.
Two-Way Dual Language Program Programa de Lenguaje Dual Languaje
Our goal is to develop students that are bilingual and biliterate at an early age and gain language skills that will have lasting benefits in the world in which they live and work as adults.   Nuestra meta es desarrollar estudiantes que sean bilingues y biliterarios a una temprana edad y que adquieran destrezas del lenguaje que tendrán beneficios duraderos en el mundo que vivan y trabajen como adultos.

The program is for entering Pre-Kindergarteners that will attend Pine Shadows Elementary as TWDL Kindergarteners.

El programa es para los estudiantes que ingresan al jardín de infantes y que asistirán a PSE para Kindergarten.
Students will become fluent in both English and Spanish.
Los estudiantes hablarán fluido ambos el Inglés y el Español.
Students will have two teachers, including, one that speaks English and one that speaks Spanish.
Los estudiantes tendrán dos maestros, incluyendo, uno que hable Inglés y otro que hable en Español. 
Students will learn to read, write, speak, and understand both English and Spanish.
Los estudiantes aprenderán a leer, escribir, hablar, y entender ambos Inglés y Español. 
This is an enriched educational program that uses two languages for the purpose of instruction. Este es un programa educacional enriquecedor que utilize los dos lenguajes con el propósito de instruir.
Students must begin the program in Pre-Kindergarten.
Los estudiantes deben comenzar el programa en Pre-Kindergarten.
In the 50/50 English/Spanish Dual Language program students will be taught in both languages.

En el Programa Dual 50/50 Inglés/Español a los estudiantes se les enseñará ambos lenguajes durante sus años primarios en TT.

Students will learn to read 1st in their native language. 
Los estudiantes aprenderán a leer primero en su lenguaje nativo.